Blog Archives - Big Dream Ministries
Big Dream Ministries exists to help people understand the Bible as God's amazing Word and help them apply Biblical truth to their daily lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers and equipping leaders with excellent resources to reinforce learning.
The Amazing Collection, Bible study, Know the Word, Biblical Truth, Bible history, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Jesus Christ


A chronological study through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John on the life of Christ, journeying from His eternal preexistence to His future return.

Do you ever wish you knew more about Jesus Christ: Who He really was, what He did and how His life could affect mine even today? The life of Jesus Christ was truly amazing, so much so that today millions around the world credit Him with their life change, their peace, their joy and their love. What kind of power could such a man possibly have?

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ is a twenty-four week study that takes Bible students through His pre-existence to His resurrection. Moving through all four gospels, this study reveals the enormity of this One life: His love, His mercy, His goodness and His awesome power towards those who believe.

Who do you say that I am? – Jesus Christ
The most important question ever asked.

His Preexistence, Birth, and Early Ministry – Part 1
This is part one of a two-part chronological study of the gospels and focuses on Jesus’ preexistence, birth, and early ministry.
His Rejection, Death, and Resurrection – Part 2
The part two workbook looks at the last six months of Jesus’ ministry focusing on His rejection, death, and resurrection.

A six week Bible study for men, women and teens small groups.

Ever wonder why the world is as it is today with violence and hatred and division rehearsed daily in the news. And then there are the problems in families. Hurt feelings, rebellion, hateful words and separation. But there is also a problem within our hearts: anger, jealousy, resentment, and unforgiveness. Do you get a sense that so much is simply out of control?? The Bible tells us clearly that there really is a battle going on and it is a brutal war. It is out there in the world. It is within our own families. And yes, it is in our hearts. But as the Bible tells of the battle, it also reminds us that there is a way to walk through this battle ground with confidence, guidance, peace and joy, and assurance that this is not going to last forever. Though the war is invisible, God’s great love in invincible! He WILL be victorious!

It will open your eyes to the greatness of the Bible and the awesome power and love of our Savior. The battle is invisible but LOVE is invincible!


Invincible Love, Invisible War: Workbook and Video Lessons

A unique Bible study that journeys through the entire Bible revealing the Great War for the souls of man that began in the Garden of Eden in Genesis and will culminate with Christ’s return in Revelation. The war is real and the war is now. This study will reveal the battle, disclose the weapons available and draw you closer to the Mighty Warrior Who defends you.
  • Powerful testimonies clarify each lesson.
  • This six week study is great for couple’s small groups, teenagers and women’s groups alike.
  • John Alan Turner, Eleanor Lewis, Crawford Loritts, Pat Harley, Thomas Jones and Linda Sweeney as they team teach this remarkable study in a conversational format.
  • Videos are free to stream or watch on Youtube.

Since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden and sin began to reign in their hearts, God has promised a Messiah, someone who He would send to save us…from ourselves. And from then on man has been waiting, longing for the help that was promised so long ago. Prophet after prophet kept that dream alive for the people of Israel and then, after Malachi, there was silence for four hundred years, broken only by the cry of a baby, sent from heaven. The New Testament Historical books are filled with eyewitness accounts of the man, the work, and the ministry of Jesus Christ the Messiah, Son of God from His virgin birth to His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. The fifth book in the series follows the birth and expansion of His church into the known world.

The Amazing Collection: The New Testament Historical Books

These beloved books (Matthew-Acts) will spark joy as you marvel at the sovereignty of our loving God. They begin with the birth of Jesus Christ and conclude with the first imprisonment of the apostle Paul about six decades later.  Workbook on Amazon

The Amazing Collection takes you on a unique journey through the Bible – the story of God, of who He is and how He works with mankind. The complete collection contains eleven workbooks and 66 free teaching videos. Each workbook covers 4-11 books of the Bible and are grouped into eleven sections.   


A prophet is one who speaks for God. Stepping into the Major Prophets is like stepping into a war. There is a nation heading in a direction away from God whose people are bent on moral and spiritual depravity and ultimately destruction. On the other side is the prophet, a courageous, dynamic man who is trying desperately though powerful messages and examples to turn the people back to safety, to spiritual vitality, to peace and joy. Throughout the pages one can sense the prophet’s deep love for the people, a love that is willing to sacrifice reputation, time, energy… sometimes his own life.

The five Major Prophets consist of four books written by some pretty impressive men: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. These men lived in different periods and wrote from different places yet their messages all cry out from the heart of God. The little book of Lamentations is a book of laments, of poetry written by Jeremiah as he witnessed the horrific destruction of Jerusalem. It is included in the Major Prophets immediately following the Book of Jeremiah. These prophets clearly disclose man’s sin (then and now) but also paint in vivid detail the gracious, loving and longsuffering God who will not allow sin to go unpunished, for He is a God of justice, tenderly wrapped with strands of grace and forgiveness. These five books are called “major” simply because they are considerably longer than the remaining twelve prophetical books.

The Amazing Collection: The Major Prophets 

The five books of the Major Prophets cover a significant time span and present a wide array of messages – from warnings 150 years before the exile into Babylonia, encouragement during the exile, and eventual restoration.   Workbook on Amazon


God’s Word is His love letter to His people. It is the source of knowledge God has given us to really know Him as He is and abide in Him fully. The Amazing Collection: The Poetical Books beautifully displays not only the great love of God for His people but also the great love of His people for Him. Some of the most extravagant, exquisite, beautiful words toward and about God are revealed in the poetical books.

Here, in these five books, men such as Job, King David, and King Solomon lift our eyes to our God…

whose help we can rely on
whose promises are true
who will never leave us or forsake us
who is the true light, our Savior and true Love.
The Amazing Collection: The Poetical Books 

The Poetical Books reveal the heart of the nation of Israel and are considered some of the finest literature ever written. Pain is not minimized, nor is man’s struggle to understand God downplayed. Questions of suffering are boldly asked, worship is gloriously displayed, wisdom is held in highest esteem, married sexual love is unashamedly portrayed, and philosophy is openly debated.  Workbook on Amazon


Jesus wept. As He stood at the tomb of his beloved friend, Lazarus, who had died four days earlier, He wept (John 11:25-42). The Sovereign Lord with the power to heal and raise the dead – wept. He wept because death is not the way it is supposed to be. God created man to be in His own image, our spirits are a reflection of His (Genesis 1:27). We were created to love deeply and live eternally, that is until sin entered the world (Genesis 3).

Now, our nation is weeping for the same reason – death as a result of sin. Our hearts ache over the senseless killings, racial inequality, and violent outbursts. It is not supposed to be this way.

Join us in praying God’s Word over the deep pain that is being experienced by individuals, families, and communities.

  • May we start by examining our own hearts for any sin that must be confessed – Psalm 139:23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!”
  • May the anguish of loss and oppression be healed by the Lord Jesus – Isaiah 61:1 – “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.”
  • May we respond to others with the love and compassion of God – John 13:35 – “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
  • May we see the image of God in every single person, each created for a unique purpose – Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
  • May we see and address the social injustices within our communities – Isaiah 1:17 – “… Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”
  • May we seek to be united with others, especially those who are different from us – Ephesians 4:1-3 – “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

The only hope for our nation is Jesus Christ. As Christians filled with the Holy Spirit, we need to be His ambassadors in this world (2 Corinthians 5:20). There are challenges we all face and we need each other: leaders, law enforcement, and every single person who calls our nation home. Let us be a people who listen to one another in order to do what is right for each other (1 Corinthians 10:24). And may we seek to be a part of the solution in our spheres of influence – Matthew 5:9 – “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”


Keep up the good work, Moms!!! 

In a sample of Barna’s 2019 research on Households of Faith1, moms were at the top of the list of who teenagers trusted to talk to about life problems and spiritual matters. In all areas of spiritual life – going to church, talking about God, teaching the Bible – moms were identified as the “main spiritual coaches for teens.” This message is consistent with well-known theologians in history: John Newton, Hudson Taylor, Charles Spurgeon, and even John Piper. They all proclaimed the significance of their mothers in their spiritual development.2 

The Apostle Paul also gave significance to the impact of moms when he commended Eunice and Lois to his protégé, Timothy. Their deliberate teaching of the Scriptures and modeling wisdom led to Timothy’s salvation in Jesus Christ. His mother and grandmother, respectively, provided the spiritual development Timothy needed for life as a Christian, in spite of the fact that his father was a Greek and not described as a believer (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15).   

It will look different for each mom, but being genuine with your faith and intentional to instruct your children in spiritual disciplines will have an eternal impact on their lives.  

Happy Mother’s Day 



Written by Pat Harley

Based on John 11:1-44

We are in the midst of a pandemic. Around the world as of this morning, there have been over 200,000 deaths from the Coronavirus. It makes no difference if one is rich, powerful, poor, or even destitute. The virus is no respecter of persons and makes no differentiation between social classes or bank accounts. At present, no weapon, no medication or vaccine can take it down. It is a ruthless enemy. And behind every one of those deaths is a home where loved ones are grieving, their lives changed forever.

Two thousand years ago, there was another home with a family who was grieving deeply. The two sisters knew there was a cure for the disease their brother was suffering from, yet they were unable to procure it. And so as days went by, they simply had to sit by helplessly and watch their brother, whom they loved dearly, slowly slip away unto death.

It was enormous sorrow – certainly sorrow over their great loss, yet that sorrow was intensified, because the cure was none other than the One they had accepted as the Messiah, and He was their dearest friend. They had witnessed His power. They had heard amazing stories from reliable witnesses about healings from disease, from demon possession, and paralysis. It had been His very words that had raised the young man in Naim, raised him right out of a coffin. They had heard about the leper whose body had been completely healed and cleansed. The disciples had told them about the calming of the storm and the feeding of the five thousand. And yes, they had believed every one of those stories. They had believed without a doubt that Jesus was the Christ, sent from God, and the Son of God.

Lazarus Suffered

They had enjoyed His company and friendship, but they had never needed His power until now. And so, as Lazarus lay suffering, the sisters cried out to Jesus through an anguished message. “Behold, he whom you love is sick.” And then they waited, knowing surely He would come at once. But Jesus did not come. The hours of suffering continued as life gradually slipped away. And then … Lazarus was dead. Anguish, Loss, Confusion, Doubt. No more chances for healing; all hope was gone.

And so, the sisters wrapped Lazarus’ body in strips of cloth layered with the accustomed spices. Some of the men then carried his body to the family tomb, laid it on a cold stone slab, and rolled the stone across the opening. Done. The end.

Almost a week went by. No word came from Jesus. Then after six days, Martha heard that He was coming to Bethany and their home. She went to Him immediately and spoke the words that had plagued her for days. “Lord if You had been here my brother would not have died.” But clinging to the last bit of faith, she continued, “Even now I know whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”

And Jesus responded, “Your brother will rise again.” But Martha continued, seeking perhaps answers, perhaps an explanation, most likely seeking HOPE.

“I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”

And then Jesus spoke words of comfort, assurance, joy, TRUTH. Words so important for us today as we are surrounded with sorrow and grief and fear death.


Within the next few hours, Jesus would once again show His awesome power, and yet in a way he had never done before. Mourners once again gathered at Lazarus’ tomb along with the sisters. Jesus, even as Martha objected, asked that the stone be rolled away. And then Jesus spoke, no commanded. “Lazarus come forth.” And in a moment, death was replaced with life, mourning with joy, and doubt with robust faith, for death had been conquered and Lazarus was alive.

The Resurrection and the Life Are For Us

As I sat under the awning, reserved for family members at my mother’s grave during the funeral, the casket resting just above the open grave, I was overcome with sorrow and loss. I had prayed for healing for Mom. I had prayed that she would walk again and enjoy life for a few more years. That prayer was not answered. But then as I looked upon the opened grave that was before me, the Lord brought to mind those same words He had spoken to a sorrowful sister some two thousand years ago. Only this time my name was inserted into the sentence. “Pat, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME SHALL LIVE EVEN IF HE DIES.”

And then I envisioned Mom, not with limbs twisted from debilitating disease, but whole and joyful and free of pain and suffering. It was a glorious picture but one that was real because Momma KNEW Jesus. And at that moment she was more alive than she had ever been, never to face death again. She was with her Savior and there was LIFE. And for me those words brought immense comfort, abundant comfort for such a sorrowful heart.

At Easter, we celebrate the empty tomb. It is an awesome reminder that he has indeed overcome death and for those of us who believe, death truly will be swallowed up, and we will be fully alive, fully healed, and fully at home with the One who gives life to enjoy Him forever.

The Savior Is Calling

The Savior IS calling to all of us, not just during a terrifying pandemic, but every day. Come to Me. I AM the resurrection and the life…even if you die you will live.

Life is such a struggle at times! There are real battles going on around us. The world is so unsettled, especially now with the pandemic impacting all facets of human life. The current virus may be new for our generation, but the Bible tells us that early in the creation story, a war was waged against humanity. A war without and a war within. The evidence is all around us. The world we live in is anything but peaceful, with an enemy who desires to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). As if that is not bad enough, personal struggles with sin keep us from thriving.

But there is good news! You can have faith over fear and be victorious over the battle. You can overcome whatever battle you are facing through the powerful love of God. He is not surprised by any situation you are facing. In fact, He will equip you with everything you need for victory.

Discover the battle plan God revealed in the story of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, through the Invincible Love, Invisible War Bible study. The six-week Bible study is an overview of the entire Bible, which highlights the war we encounter and the love that triumphs over it.

You will discover who the battle is really against and have access to the weapons to prevail. You will realize that the promised future victory is available today.

When you follow God’s battle plan, you will avoid the despair and hopelessness that many people find themselves consumed by. But rather, you will live confident in the plan, knowing God is always in control. You will recognize that you are a part of a much larger story that God is weaving throughout human history – a story of an invincible love that is victorious over an invisible war.

Are we in a battle? Absolutely! But we can live victoriously!

There are heroes on the frontlines of this war against the COVID-19 virus that is threatening every nation – one person at a time. They are health care workers! Doctors, nurses, lab specialists, imaging techs, and therapists of all types are in a hand-to-hand combat to diagnose and treat patients against the deadly and highly contagious disease. Working tirelessly, often with limited supplies, the medical teams are trying to help as many people as possible. The emotional toll of watching patients struggle to regain health is enormous.

Behind the medical team who are working directly with the infirmed, is an army of support workers keeping the medical facilities operating – transportation, food preparation, sanitation, supply logistics, to name a few.

These virus-time heroes ae not deployed away on assignment, they go home to their loved ones. The risk of exposure is near certain, even with precautions.

Our prayer is for divine protection from contracting any illness – for both them and their families. We are asking for strength and stamina, along with supernatural rest. May they sense the overwhelming support from the community and be encouraged in the Lord. And above all, may they recognize the healing of God through their work.

Join us in praying Psalm 138:6-8 for medical workers to be saved from the enemy of illness.

Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly;
    though lofty, he sees them from afar.
Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
    you preserve my life.
You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes;
    with your right hand you save me.
The Lord will vindicate me;
    your love, Lord, endures forever—
    do not abandon the works of your hands.

May God keep you and your family healthy and safe.