Jesus Study Sample

18 Part One, Week 1 The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ 2. What is man’s posture toward God apart from Christ? What is God’s relationship with man like apart from Christ? 3. What does Paul in Romans 1:21 say men neglected to do? What affect did that have on them? Application Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent in the Garden. What is temptation? Is temptation sin? Why or why not? (James 1:14–15) What does God’s Word say you can do to guard against falling into temptation? What does God say He will do for you? (see 1 Peter 5:6-11, Ephesians 6:10–17, James 4:6–10.) A DEEPER LOOK Read Genesis 6:5, Psalms 51:5, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 17:9, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:1–4. Summarize what God’s Word declares about the natural state of man. Based on Scripture, do you think mankind is inherently good or bad? How does this influence your thinking about yourself and mankind’s need for a Savior? STUDY FIVE A Savior Is on the Way Man was helplessly lost in his sin, eternally separated from God and deserving only His wrath. Yet in His grace, God raised up writing prophets to give hope to His children and assurance that He had not aban- doned them, but was going to send someone to save them from their sins. Numerous prophecies in the Old Testament pointed the way and assured the people that help was coming and, with it, returned joy. A few of those prophecies follow.