Preview Materials - Big Dream Ministries and The Amazing Collection
We are here to help you understand and love God's Word by offering dynamic Bible studies, interactive resources, and engaging teaching. Our vision is for people to be AMAZED by God's Word; to learn it, live it, and have it for life.
Bible studies, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Bible history

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You will be like many of our thousands of customers over the last 20 years who say, “I never saw the Bible like that before!” We want you to be AMAZED by God’s Word!

The Amazing Collection: The Bible Book by Book

Our flagship series, The Amazing Collection, takes you on a unique journey through Scripture, pointing to Jesus from Genesis to Revelation, and helps you discover fresh beauty and truth on every page.

Study a section at a time (5-9 weeks each). Taken together, these eleven separate studies cover all 66 books of the Bible. The Amazing Collection appeals to every level of Bible knowledge, from growing beginner to lifelong student of the Word.

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ

Walk beside Jesus on city streets and mountainsides. Hear Him teach by the sea and in the synagogue. Witness the blind given sight, lepers healed, and storms stilled. Sit with Jesus at supper with friends, and listen in while His enemies plot to destroy Him.

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ is a chronological arrangement of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, that leads you through a 24 week study to deepen your understanding of Jesus’ life and purpose on earth.

Empowered: The Amazing Church of Jesus Christ

The book of Acts is the extraordinary story of the Church—its birth, struggles, and growth. The flaming arrival of the Holy Spirit set the hearts of God’s people on fire to spread Jesus’ message across continents and cultures, bringing a new and unexpected unity to the body of Christ.

Empowered: The Amazing Church of Jesus Christ is a 12-week Bible study through the book of Acts. Featuring unique video lessons from the homes of our teaching team of Pat Harley, Jennifer McClish, Kellye Rickman, Robin Rosebrough, Fay Fay Runnion, and Rachel Yastro.

Who is Jesus? The Resurrection and the Life

How would you answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” Where would you begin? We have a Bible study to help!

Who Is Jesus? The Resurrection and the Life is for those who desire to learn more about Him and what His life means for you today. Learn about Jesus in this new workbook. With less than one hour of homework per week, this 6-week study is perfect for those with busy schedules, as well as people who are new to Bible study.

Invincible Love, Invisible War

Invincible Love, Invisible War gives us a lens through which we can view the invisible war we all face and the victory available through God’s invincible love. Breaking down the Bible into six manageable divisions, this study provides the big picture of sin and salvation, and focuses on the history, writings, and prophecy of both the Old and New Testament.

Heart-stirring testimonies enhance each session and bring into focus the Word of God and its power to change lives no matter the circumstance.

Be Amazing

Be Amazing is a Bible study with a Titus 2 heart beat – older women loving and encouraging their younger sisters as they grow in their faith, relationships, and ministry. Spend time with six godly women who have one purpose: helping you become the woman God created you to be in your marriage, your home, and your heart. The study includes lessons on character, relationships, and the care and management of the home. Practical topics covered include finances, hospitality, meal planning, and parenting.

The Amazing Adventure

It’s never too soon to introduce children to Jesus – and The Amazing Adventure is the perfect tool to point their hearts toward Him! The curriculum takes children on an exciting journey through God’s Word and great plan of redemption – from Genesis to Revelation, presented in ways young hearts can understand.

Creative crafts, Scripture memory, and at-home activities are all included. Use The Amazing Adventure side-by-side with The Amazing Collection, and watch God’s truth come alive for the whole family!

The Amazing Temperaments

Are you better with people or projects? Does your co-worker want to conquer life or enjoy the journey? Discover who you are and better understand others through The Amazing Temperaments Bible study, designed to give perspective on the people you love, the ones you struggle with, and the why behind it.

Using well-known Bible characters like Moses and Paul, you’ll see the four different personality types from Scripture’s point of view. Great for couples, parents, church staff and small groups.

At Big Dream Ministries, we want to help people understand the Bible as God’s complete and amazing story of redemption through Jesus Christ and equip them to apply Biblical truths to their lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers, and providing reviews and resources to reinforce the learning.

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