Empowered, The Amazing Church of Jesus Christ - Preview - Big Dream Ministries
A 12-week Bible study through the book of Acts - including the birth of the church and the flaming arrival of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, Birth of the Church, Bible study, Acts, Holy Spirit

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The book of Acts is the extraordinary story of the Church—its birth, struggles, and growth. The flaming arrival of the Holy Spirit set the hearts of God’s people on fire to spread Jesus’ message across continents and cultures, bringing a new and unexpected unity to the body of Christ.

Empowered: The Amazing Church of Jesus Christ is a new 12-week Bible study through the book of Acts. Featuring unique video lessons from the homes of our teaching team of Pat Harley, Jennifer McClish, Kellye Rickman, Robin Rosebrough, Fay Runnion, and Rachel Yastro. Discover what it means to be a part of God’s story of the Church, empowered by the Spirit to carry hope and life to the ends of the earth.

Class Resources are also available to download for free.

“Acts shines a spotlight on the work of the Holy Spirit like no other book in the Bible.”

At Big Dream Ministries, we want to help people understand the Bible as God’s complete and amazing story of redemption through Jesus Christ and equip them to apply Biblical truths to their lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers, and providing reviews and resources to reinforce the learning.

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