Empowered Class Resources - Big Dream Ministries
Big Dream Ministries exists to help people understand the Bible as God's amazing Word and help them apply Biblical truth to their daily lives. We do this by offering studies that drive people to the Scriptures for answers and equipping leaders with excellent resources to reinforce learning.
The Amazing Collection, Bible study, Know the Word, Biblical Truth, Bible history, Christian Ministry, Christian Living, Bible teaching, How to study the Bible, Jesus Christ

Empowered Class Resources

New! Big Dream Ministries is proud to announce the Teacher’s Guide for Empowered: The Amazing Church of Jesus Christ is now available to download for free.

One of the ongoing visions of the ministry is to equip leaders/facilitators and teachers of our studies with resources that encourage, challenge, and inspire. This tool will provide you with all that you need to lead with confidence the students God has entrusted to you.  

Click on each lesson below to download a copy of the Teaching Guide.

Week 1 – The Early Church in Jerusalem

Week 2 – Peter and John – Men on a Mission

Week 3 – The Early Church in Judea and Samaria

Week 4 – The Conversion of Paul

Week 5 – The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles

Week 6 – The First Missionary Journey

Week 7 – The Jerusalem Council and the Church in Macedonia

Week 8 – Christianity Spreads from Macedonia to Achaia

Week 9 – Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

Week 10 – Away with Him

Week 11 – Kept in Custody

Week 12 – Paul’s Journey to Rome